TOMORROWLAND by Joseph Bates


TOMORROWLAND by Joseph Bates


~49,000 WORDS
Curbside Splendor

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Joseph Bates's debut short story collection Tomorrowland offers stories full of strange attractions and uncanny conceits, a world of freakish former child stars, abused Elvis impersonators, derelict roadside attractions, apocalyptic small towns, and parallel universes where you make out with your ex. At its core, the world of Tomorrowland is our own, though reflected off a funhouse mirror--revealing our hopes and deepest fears to comic, heartbreaking effect.

Tomorrowland is a revelation, combining slightly skewed or fantastic conceits, a darkly comic tone, and wonderfully nimble, funny prose, all in service of a surprisingly serious, touching vision. These inventive stories mark the debut of a major talent.” —Michael Griffith, author of Trophy and Bibliophilia