LIFE, END OF by Christine Brooke-Rose

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Life, End of—Cover.jpg

LIFE, END OF by Christine Brooke-Rose



144 Pages
Carcanet Fiction (Carcanet)

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She is eighty. Facing death, she considers her experiments with narrative, and with the narrative of her life. What is the purpose of the narrative she is creating here, and what the purpose of the life that lives it in the writing? At the centre of Life, End of, in a mock-technical lecture from the Character to the Author, she comes to accept that her experiments in narrative are like life: the narrative creates itself.

Christine Brooke-Rose's last novel is a darkly comic exploration of the meanings and non-meanings to which, in the end, life and art lead us.

Christine Brooke-Rose
 was born in Geneva and educated at Somerville College, Oxford and University College, London. She taught at the University of Paris, Vincennes, from 1968 to 1988 and lived for many years in the south of France. Carcanet publish her novels AmalgamemnonXorandorVerbivore and Texterminationand her earlier novels OutSuchBetween and Thru in the Brooke-Rose Omnibus. Also available is her autobiographical work, Remake(1996). She died on 21 March 2012.

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