
Nonfiction & culture

"Immaterial Incorporated (aka Cabinet) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) art and culture organization founded in 1999. By operating with the most expansive and inclusive definition of 'culture' possible, one that includes both the quotidian and the extraordinary, Cabinet aims to foster curiosity about the world we have made and inhabit. We believe that curiosity is the very basis of ethics insofar as a deeper understanding of our social and material cultures encourages us both to be better custodians of the world and at the same time allows us to imagine it otherwise. We understand this strategy to be fundamentally democratic, and our project aims to be as open as possible by offering programs whose blend of accessibility, seriousness, and humor dismantle the exclusionary hierarchies often associated with the words 'art and 'culture.'

Although our core activity is the production of Cabinet magazine, we also publish books and CDs, and organize exhibitions, readings, panels, workshops, screenings, and conferences. In late 2008, Cabinet opened its own event and exhibition space in the Gowanus area of Brooklyn to promote further public dialogue that both draws on and informs ideas presented in the magazine."

Available issues (click to explore):

CABINET: Issue 40, Hair
CABINET: Issue 35, Dust
CABINET: Issue 26, Magic
CABINET: Issue 19, Chance
CABINET: Issue 11, Flight
CABINET: Issue 7, Failure
CABINET: Issue 4, Animals